Romans: Problem

Romans says that God exists. He has made that obvious. That also means that He makes the rules.  In an effort to avoid the consequences of sin, we have taught ourselves to ignore God. So we sin and that separates us from God.  The more we sin the less we recognize it. This is dangerous because if we are no longer able to identify what is sin and what is not, we will continue to be separated from God. God loves us and has given us the choice to love Him back, but we have all rejected Him at some point. That is the problem.
Romans is all about the gospel, but the gospel does not stop here. If it did it would be a bleak picture. The word Gospel literally means good news. So Paul is getting ready to tell us the good news, but he has to confront the bad news first. So if you are like, great. We sin and then we deserve death and separation from God, be patient. Here is a quick spoiler alert. Jesus has provided the solution to our sin by dying on the cross. This act saves us from the power of sin and death and can even reset our moral compass so we can begin following God once more.

Ask your student:

Do you think God's existence is obvious? Why or why not?

Where do you see the problem of sin in our world? Why is it important to acknowledge that God makes the rules?

Reading Plan
The average chapter of the Bible has 652 words in it. The average person reads between 150-300 words per minute. Even if you are on the low end of that speed, you should be able to read a chapter of the Bible, on average, in 4 minutes. With that in mind we have put together a Reading plan, where the students are asked to read 1 chapter a day, 6 days a week. We challenged them this week to take 4 minutes a day to read through the first 6 chapters of Romans.

Mon- Romans 1
Tues- Romans 2
Wed- Romans 3
Thurs- Romans 4
Fri- Romans 5
Sat- Romans 6
