How to Ruin Your Life: Part 2

This week we talked about 4 ways that you can start a fire on your phone.
1. By saying whatever you want- The anonymity of the internet makes people feel safe saying whatever they want. However, that anonymity is just an illusion and you can cause real harm to people by saying whatever you want to over anonymous channels.
2. Using your phone as your stage- Using the internet to try and make yourself the star of your world, does not work and it only leaves us feeling empty, when we wished it did the opposite. When we create gossip and help it spread by being vague in our posts to get sympathy, we do a disservice to ourselves and to our friends.
3. Believe that everything people say is true- This one seems a bit obvious, but lots of people online are lying. Don't give out your information. Don't agree to meet someone you met only online. You do not know them, unless you want to ruin your life.
4. Build a community online- Most of the fires we talked about were destructive, this one is more like a virtual campfire. There are opportunities to use social media and phones for good instead of evil.

Ask your students about how they use the internet and if any of these things has been a problem for them in the past.

This Week's Reading
Monday- Proverbs 15
Tuesday- Proverbs 16
Wednesday- Proverbs 17
Thursday- Proverbs 18
Friday- Proverbs 19

Saturday- Proverbs 20
