
 Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.


Genesis 32:24-32

Session Summary

Before meeting with his estranged brother, Esau, Jacob struggled with God. During the struggle, God struck Jacob’s hip, leaving him with a bit of a limp as he went to face Esau—and the 400 men Esau took along with him. Jacob was so afraid of how Esau would react to seeing him that he sent his family to a safer place and went to meet Esau alone. That is when God met with Jacob. They struggled, and God renamed him Israel, meaning one who struggles with God. Then, Jacob went on his way to meet his brother.

Conversation Questions

Did the ending of this passage surprise anyone in our family? Explain.
What would our family have done if we were in the same situation Jacob’s family was in? How would we have felt? Explain.
What past mistakes in our family’s life have caused long-lasting issues or consequences?
How should living under the name of Christ cause our family to live and act differently? 

Family Challenge

Go to an arcade, play a video game, or play a board game where you each have to choose a “Player Name” or game piece. As you play, notice how many times each family member says, “I’m the blue one” or “I’m player one.” When we’re playing games, we often identify with our player profiles, game pieces, team name, and so on. But that is not our true identity. Use this time to relax and have fun as a family, but also to talk about the importance of finding your identity in Christ and identifying with His name throughout our lives.
