
Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.

Genesis 24:12-19,23-27, 63-67

Session Summary After Sarah died, Abraham wanted their son, Isaac, to find a wife. Abraham gave instructions to his servant, who traveled back to Abraham’s family to find a bride for Isaac. But the servant didn’t trust his own judgment. Instead, he asked God for very specific signs for which woman was the one to return with him. He prayed that when the woman came to the well and he asked her for a drink that she would not only comply, but would also offer to draw water for his ten camels. Not long after he finished praying, Rebekah (granddaughter of Abraham’s brother, Nahor) came along and did exactly that. The servant asked for a place to stay and she offered him a place at her family’s home. The servant immediately praised God for answering his prayer (and Abraham’s).

Conversation Questions
When has our family seen God answer specific prayers for His provision?

When has God answered our family’s prayers for provision in unusual ways?

What big needs does our family currently have?

How can we pray for those needs, using Abraham’s servant as an example?

Family Challenge

Set aside some time to pray together as a family. Talk about the needs your family currently has. Then, allow each person to suggest a specific way to pray for those needs. When every family member has had a chance to speak, close in prayer, asking God specifically for what you need. If you want, ask each family member to pray over the requests he or she suggested. Keep it simple and specific, but spend time together as a family going before God with your needs.

© LifeWay.
