
Here is the video in case you missed it and below is the questions we discussed in small groups in case you want to discuss them further with your student.

1.     We are going to do highs and lows, but  here is what you want to do. Abbreviate your high and your low down to  one or two words each. (eg. My high this week was eating 3 bags of Swedish Fish from Woolworth’s becomes “Swedish Fish”).

Now you can not speak when it is your turn. The person to your right will interpret as you charades your way through it. No talking. No writing. Do your best attempt to communicate your high and your low in 30 seconds and that person will explain verbally both to everybody else. 

You will have a maximum of 30 seconds to get the person to your right to understand you. If they do not get it, say the abbreviated high and/or low and then move on to the next person.

2.     What in your life is something you control completely? You can use it or do anything with it anytime you like, however you like, with no restrictions.

With maybe a few exceptions, there is probably nothing that really matches that description for you, right? What limits the things that you have the most control over?

What gives someone authority? What restricts someone’s authority?

3.     Read John 2:18-22.

What do the Jews ask Jesus for? How would that prove his authority?

Why do you think Jesus does not give them what they ask for?

If you were one of the Jewish leaders what would you think of Jesus’ answer?

What gives Jesus the authority to cleanse the Temple? What gives the Jewish leaders authority in the Temple?

What restricts the Jewish leaders’ authority? What restricts Jesus authority?

4.     We all have a choice. We can pretend like we have authority and control over ourselves and our lives or we can admit the truth.

Talk about a time that something happened that you could not control but it affected your life in a profound way.

We all have a choice. We can try and sit on the throne of our lives and pretend we are the king. Or we could lift up the true king to his rightful place and submit ourselves to His authority.

What does it mean for you to make Jesus the King of your life today? What would you have to change? What would stay the same?

Pick someone to pray that we could recognize his authority over our lives this week.
