
Small groups

1.     Pass out sheets of folded paper.

Say, “These are divided into four parts and each person will have two minutes to draw a head in the top section. The neck you draw should go slightly into the second section. When the sands of time reach an end, you will fold your drawing over, so that the next person can not see the kind of head you drew, pass your drawing to the right and they will have two minutes to add the torso of your creature. The process repeats. You will add legs and then feet. When everyone has drawn 1 head, 1 torso, 1 set of legs and 1 set of feet we will look at the completed drawings and see what we made.”

You can then flip the 2 minute sand timer and tell everyone to begin.

2.     Go around the group and have everyone answer, “If you had a one item bucket list (something that you want to do more than anything else in the world before you die or kick the bucket) what would be on it?”

After everyone has answered, ask “How would you feel if God said, ‘I don’t want you to do your bucket list item, I have something better for you to do.” Would you give up your one item bucket list?

Pause for 3 answers.

Ask, “Have you ever heard the term ‘born again’ before today? What would you say most people assume it means?”

Pause for an answer.

“If you went up to Jesus and he said ‘you must be born again.’ How do you think you would have reacted? Would you have asked a similar question to that of Nicodemus?”
3.     Read John 3:1-4
Ask, “Why does Nicodemus come to Jesus at night?”

Pause for an answer

Then ask, “Who does Nicodemus think Jesus is?

Pause for an answer

Then ask, “If someone were to ask you who you thought Jesus is, what would you say?”

Pause for an answer

Then ask, “What do you think Jesus might mean by ‘the kingdom of God’?”

Pause for an answer

Then ask, “What does it mean to be ‘born again’?”

Pause for an answer

Then ask, “Why do you think Nicodemus doesn’t understand Jesus’ simple statement?”
4.     Say, “Eric said that being born again means that ‘we reorient our lives around Him regardless of the consequences to our job, our friendships, our position, our hobbies, our families, our dreams, our anything… I don’t care if I have to change everything about my life. I believe Jesus is worth it.’ If following Jesus meant that you would actually have to change everything, which of those things would be the hardest for you to give up? We are going to find out.”

Have everybody stand in a single file line in the middle of the room, you included. Explain that to the far right of the room is 10 (which is the hardest). To the far left of the room is 1 (which is the easiest).

Say, “I am going to read that list again and everyone will rate how hard it would be to give that thing up for Jesus. Now, just be aware that following Jesus does not necessarily mean you will have to give these things up, just that you would be ready and willing to if it would help you follow Him better.”

Now read the list below slowly allowing people to move to their ratings between each one.
Job or dream job, friends, homework, position or popularity, boyfriend/ girlfriend, hobbies, families, dreams, future college plans, money, rights and privileges

Tell everybody to sit down and ask, “Which of these would be the hardest to give up?”

“Of these things, do you think you need to let any of them go to follow Jesus better?”

5.     Say, “An Observer’s job is to come. A Seekers job is to see, to ask questions. A Believer’s job is to let the belief in Jesus start this born again process where we throw off our old self and become more like Jesus. But it does not stop when we become Workers and Disciplers. It is part of a process called sanctification where we are constantly becoming more like Jesus. It is what we mean in bcsm when we say we want to see teenagers ‘take their next step towards Jesus.’ What is your next step?”

           Wait for 3 answers
            “What needs to happen before you can take that next step?”

           Wait for 3 answers.

            Take prayer requests and pray for the requests. But also pray that God would help               each person to take that next step

           After prayer, have everyone head back to the youth room to play ping pong,       
           foosball  video games, or just hang out while you wait for parents.
