
Small Groups
1.     Say, “Imagine your house is on fire. But every person and animal in your house is safe. The fireman turns to you and says, ‘You have a couple of minutes to run inside and grab three things that you can not live without.’ What do you grab?”

Go around the room and have everyone answer.

“What do those three things represent to you?”

If the first item you mentioned was unreachable, what would you replace it with?

2.     Say, “We like the radical reversal story. Some call it the story of the underdog. (eg. Star Wars, Harry Potter, Remember the Titans, etc) Talk about your favorite story where this is in play.”

Ask, “Why do we like this story?”

Ask, “Have you ever experienced a radical reversal or underdog story in your life? Where something looked like it would turn out one way, but all of a sudden things turned around? What did that look like? How did that feel?”

3.     Read John 3:5- 10.

Pick someone else to read Ezekiel 36:24-28

Ask, “What is similar about these passages? Look for shared words and phrases.”

Pause for people to answer.

Ask,  “Jesus is talking about the renewal of Israel, or the Kingdom of God, in general. But he is also speaking directly to Nicodemus. What do you think he wants Nicodemus to know?”

Wait for someone to answer.

Then ask, “Before and after the passage in Ezekiel, God says that he is not restoring them for their sake, but for His name’s sake. What does this say about your part in this redemptive act? What does it say about God’s redemptive acts?”

Wait for an answer.

Now say, “Remember that you are dead. You are a heap of dry bones without God’s intervention so you can not earn the right to muscle and skin and breath on your own. It has to be God’s doing. All he asks is that we believe in and receive Jesus and this free gift is ours. Pretty cool.”

4.     Pass out  one stone per person, 1 permanent marker and 1 washable marker.

Say, “Being born again in the Ezekiel passage means that two things happen. You are cleaned with water and you’ll be given a new heart and spirit. So with the washable marker I want you to write something on your hand that you want washed away. Maybe that is a nickname that you wish would go away, perhaps that is a sin that you are constantly battling, maybe it is your reputation at school. Write in on the inside of your hand so no one else can see it.

Then on the stone I want you to write in permanent marker something that you don’t necessarily want to let go of that could be getting in your way of following Jesus. It could be anything. Seriously, anything. It could be your favorite sin, your favorite teddy bear (if that could get in the way of your relationship with Jesus), sports you play, etc. These will be completely anonymous so be as honest as you can.

As soon as you write those two things down, make your way to the sanctuary individually with your hand (of course) and your rock. Don’t wait for anybody else. This is an individual exercise.“

(In the sancturary we will set up a pre hand wash prayer station, a hand washing station, a pre exchange prayer station and an exchange station)

Look at what you wrote on your hand. This is something you want washed out of your life. Something that sticks to you. The following is a prayer. Just read it out loud.

“God, you are the Living God. I am dead. A pile of bones. I am asking that you would wash me with clean water. Let me be born again of the water. Amen.”
Then move to the next station.

Look at what you wrote on your hand. This is something you want washed out of your life. You can not do this on your own. Use the water and the soap provided to wash the marker off, but while you do that say this out loud.

“God, as the water washes this word off of my skin, I pray that you would wash what the word represents off of my life. Amen.”

Move to the next station.

Look at what you wrote on the rock. This is something that could get in the way of your relationship with Jesus. Squeeze the rock in your hands. Notice the way the rock will not budge as you squeeze. Feel how it hurts your hand. Read this prayer out loud.

“God, you are the Living God. I am dead with a heart of stone. I am asking that you would replace my heart of stone, with a heart like yours. Let me be born again of the Spirit. Amen.”

Move to the next station.

Look at what you wrote on the rock. This is something that could get in the way of your relationship with Jesus. Let it go. Exchange your rock for a heart. Squeeze the new heart and say this out loud.

“God, as I exchange this stone for a heart I would ask that you do the same inside of me. Remove my heart of stone and give me a heart like yours. Amen.”
Return to your group’s meeting area.

5.     Once everybody has returned to your group area.

Ask, “How did that prayer experience go? Is there anything anyone would like to share about what happened there?”

Pause for answers.

Then say, “That squishy heart is yours to keep but keep it with you to remind you that when you believe in and receive Jesus you are cleansed and given a new heart, a new identity. Hopefully that squishy heart will help you to remember that you are somebody new.”

            Take Prayer requests and Pray for the group. After prayer dismiss to the Youth room.
