7.21.19- A Place for God's Presence

Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.


Exodus 36:2-7; 39:42-43; 40:34-38

Session Summary 

God had changed the Israelites hearts between the time they made and worshiped the golden calf and when began working on the tabernacle. God had given His people the wisdom, tools, and materials they needed to construct the tabernacle— the very place where God would dwell with His people. But the people brought above and beyond what was required to construct the tabernacle. God gave specific instructions, but the people made offerings of extra things of their own free will. They did the work as God commanded. The cloud of the Lord rested over the tabernacle when the Israelites were stopped and led them when the Lord wanted them to move on.

Conversation Questions

 • What can our family learn from the Israelites’ example of giving toward the tabernacle?
• When is it difficult for our family to give cheerfully?
• How has God gifted each of our family members? What are some ways we can use those gifts for His glory?
• God dwells with His people. How does this truth affect the way our family lives?

Family Challenge 

This week find ways each of you can use your gifts to serve God and His people. If you can find an opportunity where all of you can use your gifts to serve others together—great! If not, make a plan to serve individually.
