9.1.19-The Call to Courage

Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.


 Joshua 1:6-9; 3:5-8,14-17; 4:20-24

Session Summary 

Forty years before, the Israelites had failed to trust God and had refused to enter into the promised land God had given them. Because of their faithlessness, God forced that generation to wander in the wilderness until all of them, except Joshua and Caleb, had died off. Now, it was time for the next generation—those who were children or who were born during the wilderness wandering—to enter the land. In this session, we will see that God would call on this generation to follow Him in faith, just as He had the prior generation. And once again, God would reveal His presence and power to His people. But would they do what their parents and grandparents had failed to do—would they trust Him?

Conversation Questions 

• In what ways do you tend to try to move ahead of God instead of allowing Him to go before you and then following Him? Why?
• How can we better encourage one another by sharing what God has done and what He continues to do in our lives?
• What stones of remembrance have we set up, or can we set up, to help us remember God through His power and faithfulness?
• What word or promise of God are we standing on, or do we need to stand on, during this season of life?

Family Challenge 

Read the quote from Noel Piper and discuss as a family: Memory is the mother of traditions. Almost all of our special days are celebrated because they remind us of something significant in the past… Our celebrations are occasions to look back and remember what God has done in the world and in our lives. Following from the lesson, use this as an opportunity to discuss how you, as a family, can recall clear moments of God working in your lives.
